October 24, 2018
Cleveland Council on World Affairs Presents: A Foreign Policy Forum
Join CCWA as we host Thomas Hout, Visiting Professor at Middlebury Institute of International Studies, best-selling author, and career consultant, for a discussion of the economic relationship between the United States and China.
Following a number of negotiations and tariff changes between the United States and China, Hout will analyze the root and depth of issues behind U.S. trade policy towards China. As numerous political and economic objectives between the U.S. and China continue to pressure current leaders, is there an easy solution to the contrasting viewpoints in the two countries’ relationship?
5:30 PM Reception
6:00 PM Program begins
6:45 PM Q&A
7:15 PM Program concludes
Admission: Non-Members $25; Members $15; Students $5*
*CWRU Students attend free thanks to support from CWRU Center for International Affairs. To register as a CWRU student, please email Andrea at speakers@ccwa.ccwa.org
Location: Linsalata Alumni Center, Great Hall. Case Western Reserve University, 11310 Juniper Road, Cleveland, OH 44106
Online registration for this event has closed.