April 02, 2020
This event has been cancelled. If possible, we will reschedule at a later date in the season.
Join us on Thursday, April 2 for our third annual Global Gauntlet World Trivia Challenge! Teams of up to four compete to answer questions that test your knowledge of international affairs, current events, and foreign policy. Topics include landmarks around the globe, geography and country flags, world history, top news stories, and more. This is a popular and fun event that raises money for our student and education programming throughout the school year!
A cash bar and light appetizers will be available.
Location: Market Garden Brewery, 1947 West 25th St., Cleveland
$140 per four-person team, $40 per individual
$100 student teams, $25 student individual
With questions about Global Gauntlet, please call Andrea at 216-282-1041.