Education and Technology in the U.S.

Higher and secondary education officials and English-language instructors from China will be traveling to Cleveland to learn about the role of communities, civil society, and parents in advancing education reform.…

Drug Addiction and the Opioid Crisis

Cleveland and Cuyahoga County are at the near center of the nation-wide crisis (Cuyahoga County alone has seen a 1,000 percent increase in opioid deaths since 2007). In this Multi-Regional…

Social Entrepreneurs in the United States

International visitors from Burkina Faso, Iraq, Latvia, Morocco, Portugal, South Africa, Turkey and West Bank will examine the role of social entrepreneurship in the U.S. and what makes social ventures…

Volunteerism and Civic Action

International visitors from Bahrain, Barbados, Israel, Malaysia, Nepal, Poland, Tunisia and Vietnam will travel to Cleveland to examine the impact of volunteerism in the U.S. and the role that social…

Taiwan Youth Exchange

Engage in Cross-Cultural Exchange with Taiwan CCWA is seeking Student Ambassadors for May! Five (5) local high school students, sophomore and above, who are willing to engage with 16 Taiwanese…

Sustainable Cities

Urban planners, architects, environmental experts, and civil society leaders representing 21 countries will be in Cleveland to explore how local government and community organizations are advancing sustainability. Visitors will experience…

Women as Drivers of Social and Economic Change

International visitors from Central and South America will travel to Cleveland to gain an understanding of the contributions of women leaders throughout the community. Visitors will explore the role of…

Healthcare Management in the U.S.

Physicians and public healthcare proponents from Ukraine will be in Northeast Ohio to foster connections with some of Cleveland's world-renowned public and private healthcare systems. Visitors will seek to better…

Addressing the Needs of Underserved and At-Risk Youth

CCWA will host visitors representing nine countries from throughout Latin America here to examine primary prevention programs for at-risk youth and family support strategies. While Cleveland youth face a number…

Water Protection and Pollution in the U.S.

On the 50th anniversary of the infamous Cuyahoga River fire, international visitors from China will travel to Cleveland to take a firsthand look at the extensive local efforts to protect…