Global Population: Sorting Fact from Fiction

The Union Club 1211 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, OH, United States

Registration for this event is closed, but walk-ups are welcome! Our global population of 8 billion is radically different than at any other time in human history -- and it's…

Geopolitics and National Security in the World of Tomorrow

The Union Club 1211 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, OH, United States

The Cleveland Council on World Affairs (CCWA) is honored to host Admiral James Stavridis for the John A. Hellman Foreign Policy Forum. As we move deeper into the 21st century,…

Climate Change: When Water Bankruptcy and Human Security Collide

The Union Club 1211 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, OH, United States

Unfortunately, this event is canceled. Dr. Madani has been unexpectedly called to a meeting of the United Nations Environment Programme. We apologize for any inconvenience. As we learn more about…

Keeping the U.S. Competitive: The Role of the Export-Import Bank

The City Club of Cleveland 1317 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH, United States

In recent years, our economic interests have been shown to be deeply intertwined with geopolitical dynamics, and discussions of tariffs and trade wars seem more present than ever. To provide…

U.S. Leadership on the World Stage

Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association 1375 E. 9th Street, Cleveland, OH, United States

Registration for this event has closed. Please contact Jacob Connell at with questions. In recent years, the debate has intensified over the manner in which the United States should…

A New Direction or More of the Same? The Future of U.S. Foreign Policy

The Union Club 1211 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, OH, United States

Registration for this event has closed. Contact Jacob Connell at with questions. The Cleveland Council on World Affairs is honored to host Richard Fontaine for the John A. Hellman…

Women’s Rights: The Fight to Expand Access and Opportunity

The Union Club 1211 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, OH, United States

Among the many pressing challenges of our time, one that demands greater attention is the global fight for women’s rights. Despite decades of progress that have enabled women and girls…

Leading in a VUCA World: Global Business in Northeast Ohio

The Union Club 1211 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, OH, United States

The Cleveland Council on World Affairs is honored to host Frank Sullivan for the Dr. Raj and Karen Aggarwal Forum on International Business. In a world where marketplace circumstances change…