A New Direction or More of the Same? The Future of U.S. Foreign Policy

The Union Club 1211 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, OH, United States

Registration for this event has closed. Contact Jacob Connell at jconnell@ccwa.org with questions. The Cleveland Council on World Affairs is honored to host Richard Fontaine for the John A. Hellman…

Women’s Rights: The Fight to Expand Access and Opportunity

The Union Club 1211 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, OH, United States

Among the many pressing challenges of our time, one that demands greater attention is the global fight for women’s rights. Despite decades of progress that have enabled women and girls…

Leading in a VUCA World: Global Business in Northeast Ohio

The Union Club 1211 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, OH, United States

The Cleveland Council on World Affairs is honored to host Frank Sullivan for the Dr. Raj and Karen Aggarwal Forum on International Business. In a world where marketplace circumstances change…