Physical Education in American Schools

Twelve educators and physical education curriculum proponents from Saudi Arabia will be traveling to Cleveland to explore physical education instructor training, curriculum development, and program design. Meetings and school visits…

Economic Revitalization through Public-Private Partnerships

In this European regional project, visitors from Croatia, Czech Republic, Italy, the Netherlands, and Poland will be traveling to Cleveland to learn how Northeast Ohio is contributing to public-private partnerships…

Education and Technology in the U.S.

Higher and secondary education officials and English-language instructors from China will be traveling to Cleveland to learn about the role of communities, civil society, and parents in advancing education reform.…

Cleveland International Film Festival: The Pursuit

CCWA is proud to be a community partner again at this year’s Cleveland International Film Festival. Our partner film, The Pursuit, will be screening on March 28 at 4:45PM, March 29…

Cleveland International Film Festival: The Pursuit

CCWA is proud to be a community partner again at this year’s Cleveland International Film Festival. Our partner film, The Pursuit, will be screening on March 28 at 4:45PM, March 29…

Drug Addiction and the Opioid Crisis

Cleveland and Cuyahoga County are at the near center of the nation-wide crisis (Cuyahoga County alone has seen a 1,000 percent increase in opioid deaths since 2007). In this Multi-Regional…

Cleveland International Film Festival: The Pursuit

CCWA is proud to be a community partner again at this year’s Cleveland International Film Festival. Our partner film, The Pursuit, will be screening on March 28 at 4:45PM, March 29…

The U.S. and Africa: Vital Interests

Cleveland Committee on Foreign Relations events are for CCFR members only. Ambassador Bruce Wharton, former Ambassador to Zimbabwe, served as an officer in the Foreign Service from 1985 to 2017. His…