How to Prepare for Climate Change with David Pogue
With climate change leading the agenda for many world leaders and yet trailing in global cooperation to manage its effects, David Pogue brings the case that individuals all around the…
2022 Global Impact Award Event
The 2022 Global Impact Award honors the National Geographic Society for raising awareness of global trends and helping protect our world through science, exploration and education, and inspiring audiences to…
From Russia to Rustbelts: Witness to Democratic Fragility with Fiona Hill
New Location! Please join us at The Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association Auditorium: 1375 E 9th St. Cleveland, OH 44114. Since her testimony in the 2019 presidential impeachment hearings, Fiona Hill…
CCWA Member and Citizen Diplomat Appreciation Night
The Cleveland Council on World Affairs cordially invites its members and citizen diplomats to a special evening event on Tuesday, June 14 from 5:30pm to 7:30pm. We are excited to…
Fulbright Welcome Weekend
CCWA is looking for internationally-minded host families for Fulbright scholars from around the world on July 29-31, 2022. CCWA will be partnering with Ohio University to host 35 Fulbright graduate…
Working Internationally: Global Competency for Business
Join the Cleveland Council on world Affairs for a workshop to develop skills for working in a global business environment WHO Those who work on a global team, interact with…
Can the U.S. Reset the Agenda with Latin America?
The Summit of the Americas, hosted in San Diego in June, brought about tense interactions between the U.S. and our hemispheric neighbors to the south. Debate about the guestlist, threats…
Cleveland LEADS: Leadership, Exchange, and Diplomacy Scholars Program
Show the World How… Cleveland LEADS Do you have what it takes to be a leader in an increasingly globalized world? How do topics such as global awareness, international complexity…
Cleveland LEADS: Leadership, Exchange, and Diplomacy Scholars Program
Show the World How… Cleveland LEADS Do you have what it takes to be a leader in an increasingly globalized world? How do topics such as global awareness, international complexity…
Cleveland LEADS: Leadership, Exchange, and Diplomacy Scholars Program
Show the World How… Cleveland LEADS Do you have what it takes to be a leader in an increasingly globalized world? How do topics such as global awareness, international complexity…
Cleveland LEADS: Leadership, Exchange, and Diplomacy Scholars Program
Show the World How… Cleveland LEADS Do you have what it takes to be a leader in an increasingly globalized world? How do topics such as global awareness, international complexity…
Cleveland LEADS: Leadership, Exchange, and Diplomacy Scholars Program
Show the World How… Cleveland LEADS Do you have what it takes to be a leader in an increasingly globalized world? How do topics such as global awareness, international complexity…